Informace o Hotel Boldern

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  • Hotel Boldern

Hotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - HotelyHotel Boldern Männedorf - Pensionhotel - Hotely
Název:  Hotel Boldern
Ulice:  Boldernstrasse 83
Město:  8708 Männedorf
Okres:  Švýcarsko
Kraj:  Švýcarsko
Země:  Švýcarsko
Mapa:  přejít na mapu
Průměrná cena:
2768 Kč
104 Fr.

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Quick description

Hotel Boldern can be found amid meadows on the edge of the wood above Männedorf, offering views of Lake Zürich and free WiFi in the entire building. Environmentally sustainable comfort, the disability-friendly building as well as good food make up ideal conditions for a relaxing stay. You can choose from bright and quiet rooms with flat-screen TV and start every day at the healthy breakfast buffet, available as of 06:30 in the panorama hall. Lunch and dinner are served in the restaurant or on the terrace. The staff is happy to prepare lunch packs for excursions or on the day of your departure. Hotel Boldern is just a 20-minute drive or train ride from the vibrant city of Zurich.

Zajímavosti v okolí

Gailingen49 kmGailingen am Hochrhein Bodamské jezero
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